Black Friday Win!

I thought that I’d tell you guys about my awesome black Friday purchase and what that means for you guys in the future.

I love, love, love film making. I am pretty crazy about stage acting as well (Someday I’ll tell you guys all about my adventures with that) but I’ve always had a thing for TV and movies and video making in general. I just truly love the medium. I’ve dabbled with it a few times to some mildly appealing results but mostly I’ve been underwhelmed. I have the ideas out the wazoo and I’m pretty good at the editing but there’s only so much you can do with footage filmed on a potato.

So I’ve done my research, found my dream camera, and then promptly added it to my wishlist and gazed starry-eyed at it for months. I had almost given up until I stumbled across the very same camera at a 60% discount. I bought it. I’m beyond excited to show off my Zoom G4.

So what this means for you guys. I’ll be making more videos in the future as a creative outlet in the form of vlogs and other things. I might even record some of my singing or something. I will probably be cross posting some of these so if you’re interested, those will be available to you. I’m a bit of a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to it but as I believe I’ve said before, I enjoy trying new things and discovering what I’m good at and what I like enough to continue.  I just want to let you all know.

Smile for the birdie!


Still Frames

Lips softly asking
      “More, more.”
Breath in pants,
       Gasps, wheezes.
Touch unreasonable, gentle,
       “Harder, please.”
Need and desire,
       Hand in hand.
Desperately seeking,
       Arching, reaching.
Last moment,
      Teetering at the crest,
          Bated breath,
             Overwhelmed and….

Scream. Cry. Shudder.
       “Shhh, I’m here, love.”

Rush, rush, rush

Guess who missed a post? Again?
Well if you guessed this girl, you’d be right. Yesterday, everything was crazy hectic with me driving (well technically my sister drove) three towns over to try and beat the clock only to get there and realize the school closed at 430 instead of 8. Then I had to get my phone fixed(new phone woot!), do some grocery shopping, and drive all the way home. I didn’t get back until really late and it completely slipped my mind. So, my apologies to those of you expecting daily insight into my head. I will continue posting!

Farewell my lovelies.


Friends and Countrymen

Loss of friendship is one of the hardest things to go through and to quote my sister “It’s even worse when they’re still so close.” See, I’ve had several friends lost for one reason or another. Generally, we just drifted apart. I can’t remember a time when we got in a fight or had some falling out. But for whatever reason, we’re just simply not close anymore. Of all these, the worst is probably my best friend throughout my teenage years. We’re cousins but I can honestly say that I’ve never been closer to anyone else. We shared everything from food to secrets to beds and showers. We were closer than sisters. But in the course of a month, she met a guy that had three kids from a previous marriage and married him. Practically overnight, she had a family. And I was still young, single, and in college. That was almost two years ago and I can count on one hand the number of times we’ve been able to spend together. She’s had twins since then, bringing the number up to five and keeping her even more busy. And I can’t begrudge her happiness. She’s found her completeness while I’m still looking for mine. I just miss her. It’s difficult to find time between our schedules and we used to spend more time together than not. I’m certain it’s made worse by the fact that she has married and mommy friends and I’m still a loner. (Made worse by the fact that my other best friend just moved to North Carolina and the other lives in California…) I rarely have more than two or three close friends at a time. I’m simply melancholic tonight over it. On a happy note, today my sister and I went to a museum and had a lovely time. Museums are happy places for me and every day is an adventure. I posted a couple pictures on instagram if you’re interested. I’m gonna try to be optimistic about my future and cherish the friends I do still have. And the new ones to come!

Some friends are supporting characters; others guest stars.


Tis The Season for Traditions

This year is the first year my sister and I won’t be living with my parents and we plan to start new traditions to carry on to our children. Growing up, we’ve never done anything special for the holidays. It’s never been a priority for my parents, probably due to being low income my entire life. Disregarding my sob story, Christmas has always been a magical, special time to me. It’s the only time of the year that people willingly put others first and there really is a sense of goodwill to our fellow man. Even if it is over-commercialized and even if you’re not Christian. That being said, here’s five Christmas traditions my family will be introducing this year.

1. Caroling. My family is big on the singing. We love doing it, hearing it. My sister’s planning on making a career of it. So caroling is only a natural choice for us. There aren’t many neighborhoods around here since it’s so rural but we will be performing in a few different places around town. (I might even post a video if we get around to recording) Assuming it goes well, we’ll probably continue for years to come.

2. Ornaments. This year, we ordered a brand new customized ornament with our names andthe year. It will be going on our tree every year and we plan to add to the collection every year that we spend together.

3. Christmas movie night. We’re going to have a pajama party with just us and watch Christmas movies. I’m not entirely sure which of us came up with it. In fact, I’m sure we saw it online somewhere for little kids. But considering we were deprived of our childhood Christmas memories, we’re going to doing this for the next few years at least. I’d like to think that we continue it after marriages and children but we’ll see.

4. Christmas Cookies. I’m an avid baker. (Or would be but my parents oven broke so I don’t bake nearly as much as I want.) Christmas Cookies are one of my favorite things to make and I always pass on plenty to my friends and family. Making different flavors and types and shapes is fun and gives me plenty of experience. It’s my favorite tradition.

5. Care Packages. For such a small place, my city has a rather large homeless population that has grown nearly exponentially in the last three years. I’m not sure why it’s become something of a mecca for those without a place to call home. I’m fully aware that some people think charity isn’t actually helpful. I’m also aware that some people think helping the homeless only encourages them to continue being vagrants. But I also believe in helping our fellow human beings and there’s no better time than Christmas for spreading love for humanity. My sister and I both feel this way and so we put together care packages with socks, hand warmers, a few basic hygiene products, an orange for vitamin C, and some Christmas candy. It’s not much but I’d like to believe it does some good. If nothing else, I hope it restores their faith in humanity.

So what traditions does your family celebrate during this time of year? If you celebrate a different holiday than Christmas, what are some of the traditions of that one? I’d love to be educated!


Music Rec Monday – Keaton Henson

Keaton Henson

Keaton Henson’s music is destined to be the soundtrack of your heartaches.

This may sound like a hyperbole but I promise, if you’re looking for the sweet soulful melody that echoes in every wistful longing, every lost love, and every tears that rolls down your face, then Keaton Henson’s Birthdays is your album. These songs have the kind of bittersweet pain that you relish, even though it’s dredging up all those memories. With deep meaning and poetic imagery, Henson brings unique sound that you feel in your heart of hearts. I can’t get enough of this album.


My personal favorite is “10am Gare du Nord.” It’s the song that plays in the background of every lazy sunday morning fantasy that I have, wrapped up in tangled sheets with my lover and dust playing in the streaks of sunlight. It makes me ache in all the best ways. Others you definitely want to check out are “Judging Books by Their Covers” and “You Don’t Know How Lucky You Are”. Let me know what you thought of them!

“If this feels right then I’m letting it.”


Thanks and Goodnight

I’ve had a pretty eventful day and it’s left me down to the wire for a post. The subject I had planned for tonight will have to wait until I have a bit more time to really hit it the way I want to. Tonight, I’d really just like to thank everyone that’s followed or liked my posts this month. (Or before!) You’re all fabulous and I’ve enjoyed each and every one of you. Halfway mark for NaBloPoMo and honestly, I didn’t think I’d make it this far. It’s because of you guys and your encouragement. So if there’s something in particular you enjoyed and want some more of or something you’d like to see from me for the first time, please, let me know.

Sleep tight, my lovelies. For once, this insomniac is ready to hit the hay.


In Regard to the Recent Attack on Paris

There’s no news report I can really give on the matter that you wouldn’t have read elsewhere and I’m not French nor an expert on all things French so I really have no place in speaking about the current horrific situation going on in Paris. I am, however, human so I would like to say something directly to the nation, if I can be so bold.

To the people that were so horribly massacred, you will be mourned. It was cruel that you were cut down in your prime by people that wished to further their beliefs. No religion, no paradigm, no mantra or code, should ever find it reasonable to take lives for their cause. I pray that you find peace on the otherside and that justice is found here.

To the ones simply injured and traumatized by this attack, you are in my prayers. This was an unforgivable event but I pray that your heart and minds will heal just as your bodies do. I pray that you can rise above this and find the strength to move forward, knowing you have the support of all good people, the world over.

To the families and friends of those lost, my heart aches for you. Nothing can replace the loved ones that will no longer be physically present in this world. Grief can so easily turn into hatred and it would be well earned. But I ask that you remember that your loved ones are never truly gone when they live in your hearts and that the only way to have true peace is through love and forgiveness. You may not want to do that yet. You may even become angry and indignant at this simple American girl that is meddling in something she’s not a part of. That’s okay. You are grieving and I can take the brunt of that. I just hope that you understand that I know you are victims of this as much as the dearly departed. I’m heartbroken for you. I’m praying you find comfort and support in these hard times to come.

To the entire French people, I do pray for you. I remember the shock and hurt of having my own country attacked. I know what it’s like to want to point fingers because you want justice and vengeance for this senseless act. You’re all going through many emotions and most of them negative. I’m not going to pretend that it will be smooth sailing. Terrorism is effective in this way. I’m praying that your government has wisdom to make the right decisions and that this is resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible. I’m praying that little further life is lost. I’m praying that you overcome with grace and strength and unity.

To the world as it looks on, let’s remember that this is a tragedy. Let’s not make it a greater one by retaliating in a violent and harsh way. Remember that hatred toward a group is prejudice and that every religion or creed has extremists. Let’s support the victims without pointing fingers or spreading vitriol and violence. No one is to blame but the ones that perpetrated the act. Love those that are hurting and let the rest be taken care of by the proper authorities.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.


Clockwork Exhibit

Pin me like a butterfly,
                      analyze my wings.

Put me in a picture frame,
                      hang me amongst your things.

Open up my abdomen,
                      see what makes me tick.

Root around inside my brain,
                      watch as the cogs click.

Pick my heart just like a lock,
                      find the swallowed key.

Do whatever you must,
                      just don’t let me be.



Happy Veteran’s Day!

Guy Lynn Crandall

My grandpa was one of the lucky ones that got to come home outside of the old pine box. He may have gone over to the other side now but you wouldn’t find anyone prouder of their service to their country. He served in both the Army and the Air Force. Today, America honors all those that served. Troops, our hats are off to you.

For me personally, I say thank you. I’m not as patriotic as I probably should be but I respect the sacrifice you’ve made. I have the luxuries I have because of you. You’re the cream of the crop and the salt of the earth. I can’t thank you enough.

And Grandpa, if you could see this, I’d like to tell you how proud I am to be your grandchild and to share your name. I miss you every day.

All gave some; some gave all.
